D. J. Scott D. J. Scott
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The Proto-Borean Language

II.a-1.) Consoneme Inventory
II.a-1A.) Labial Group
II.a-1B.) Coronal Group
II.a-1C.) Dorsal Group
II.a-1D.) Glottal Group

II.a-1.) Consoneme Inventory

II.a-1A.) Labial Group
Voiceless Bilabial Plosive
<p> /p/
Voiceless Bilabial Fricative
<ph> /ɸ/, /f/_[j]
Voiced Bilabial Plosive
<b> /b/
Voiced Bilabial Fricative
<bh> /β/, /v/_[j]
Bilabial Nasal
<m> /m/
Bilabial Approximant
<mh> /w/

II.a-1B.) Coronal Group
Voiceless Denti-alveolar Plosive
<t> /t/
Voiceless Denti-alveolar Fricative
<th> /θ/
Voiced Denti-alveolar Plosive
<d> /d/
Voiced Denti-alveolar Fricative
<dh> /ð/
Denti-alveolar Nasal
<n> /n/
Alveolar Approximant
<nh> or <nhr> /ɹ/

II.a-1C.) Liquid Coronal Group
Voiceless Alveolar Sibilant Fricative
<s> /s/
Voiceless Palato-alveolar Sibilant Fricative
<sh> /ʃ/_[h] or <sh> /ʃ/
Voiced Alveolar Sibilant Fricative
<z> /z/
Voiced Palato-alveolar Sibilant Fricative
<zh> /ʒ/_[h] or <zh> /ʒ/
Voiced Denti-alveolar, Alveolar, or Post-alveolar Lateral Approximant
<l> /l/
Velaraized Voiced Denti-alveolar, Alveolar, or Post-alveolar Lateral Approximant
<lh> /lɣ/ or /j/ or /ɾ/

II.a-1D.) Dorsal Group
Voiceless Palatal or Velar Plosive
<c> /k/ or /c/
Voiceless Palatal or Velar Affricate or Fricative
<ch> /kx/, /x/, /cç/ or /tʃ/
Voiced Palatal or Velar Plosive
<g> /g/ or /ɟ/
Voiced Palatal or Velar Affricate or Fricative
<gh> /gɣ/, /ɣ/, /ɟʝ/ or /dʒ/
Velar or Palatized Palatal Nasal
<ŋ> /ŋ/, /ɲj/[l]_V
Palatalized Palatal Nasal or Velarized Palatal Approximant
<ŋh> /ɰ/ or /jɟ/

II.a-1E.) Glottal Group
<q> /ʔ/
<qh> /h/
<’> /./
<r> /r/_V, /ɹ/C_V, or /r/V_V

⚑ The Borean Cycle
Red the Blue Devil
The Nocturnals
The Spacebunnies
Solar Civil War
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